Thursday, 30 September 2010

The difficult second post

'Two posts in one day?' I hear you cry!
Well this is me peaking way too soon
I have fiddled with settings and discovered how to change colours and themes etc and finally got my custom lemmings level under the title to the blog. Im satisfied for the day.

After stumbling the internet I found an amusing picture

Or if scientific information is more your thing...

Okay, so for a second post I won't win any awards, but once I have this blogging business refined, I will update with actually interesting items to read.

Ross, Out.

In the beginning

At the start of every blog is a paragraph explaining how the author has never done a blog before and to bare with them throughout the period of ‘getting up to speed with the concepts’. This is no different.
However I don’t plan to bore you with details on how illiterate I am, or how I have never written a blog, instead here is some basic information outlining me in a Q and A fashion. Granted this could be slightly more tedious…

Where can I start? Well Books of course!
‘What is the title of the last fiction book I read?’
            In the past few years I have been indulging in the musing of a Young James Bond. With the series coming to a final close with ‘By Royale Command’, this is one of the very few novel series I have managed to follow from start to end.
With my preference in fictional to non-fictional (due to the readily available information on the interwebs) in recent years I have not read many non-fictional books.
‘What was the last live performance I attended?’
            Although I have 2 ‘gigs’ lined up from the likes of Linkin Park and Gorrilaz, my most recent live performance was Cold Play at the Wembley Arena, London.
‘What is the last film I viewed?’
            After living in ignorance of the series (both game and film) I decided to buy into the phenomenon that is Resident Evil. Having now seen the first film I may be drawn into spending more of my money on the series.
‘How often do I read newspapers?’
            Here is where I say I read the sun. Specifically a certain page, however this is a family blog… and so;
With the internet at my fingertips I feel that newspapers are a waste of money, where I can get all the information more up to date and relevant to myself online.
‘What art gallery/museum/exhibition did I last visit?’
            This is asking to stretch my memory back. I believe the last educational style place that I visited was the Science museum in London way back in year 4 or 5. Otherwise I can’t say I remember.
‘How many hours a week do I spend playing video games?’
            Recently, due to a lack of educational reasons for going out, a lot more. Now that I have entered University life I probably average 1-2 hours a day.
‘How many hours a week do I spend playing games other than video games?’
            There are games which are not on video?!

So that’s the formal stuff done. I hope I have welcomed you sufficiently to my blog. If you are still reading this, it is a miracle! [Or you are my tutor.]
I shall try to keep this blog alive no matter how boring, if I find amusing links, reviews or new tech that interests me expect to see short sharp blog postings.

For now catch me online,

Ross, out.