So firstly one of my friends from sixth form who abandoned me for a better life in Lincoln came back to Felixstowe this weekend for a 'photography session' but I know he came back to see me.
So Friday evening was spent re-establishing and catching up with each other over a friendly game of Call of Duty: Black Ops. This time was used to test the various multi-player set ups that we could find including expanding our knowledge of the new Zombies maps. Its safe to say we aren't as practised as we used to be and failed miserably only hitting round 9.
A night in with an old friend on Black Ops is a night well spent I believe.
Saturday, I have work in the mornings at a well known DIY store that sells items for your Home, or as some may call it your Base.
On a 10% day the shift flies past and generally due to the bustling customers and amount of work I end up doing, I don't even notice my shift ending. Saturday was however the light switch on event in the local town. Now I spent most time with Amy in the scouts tent keeping warm, or as warm as possible in such weather.
Pictures to follow when I get the chance to upload, the lights switching on was epic as ever.
Sunday, the reason this post begun. Spending the day with Amy, for her birthday she got a silicone cup cake mould, only it was 25 times the size of an normal cupcake.
Having dabbled in a bit of cooking during the previous summer holiday I fancied my hand at creating a huge cake... We viewed a few recipes and decided the one that uses only 4 eggs (instead of 10) would be the easiest and cheapest recipe. After a quick trip to Morrisons and taking advantage of their chocolate deals, we had all the ingredients for the cake.
After a very messy hour in the kitchen we finally had two half's of the cupcake mould filled and in the oven. I quickly found out that putting chocolate in a blender is a bad idea as it doesn't grate the chocolate but in fact creates little balls of sweet goodness.
After an hour cooking the two half's were "cooked" or burnt... your choice. It was at this point that making the cake into some form of Mario Mushroom style cake went out the window due to the fact it was a mess...
Nothing a little bit of icing cant handle and so the below image is what we were left with.
After a quick count, 6 or so layers of chocolate were used in various forms

Having handled chocolate all day however neither of us could stomach actually eating a piece. We have been informed it is 'very nice' and having eaten most of the cut off's, I can agree with them.
So at first we did not succeed, we just made a sextuple chocolate cake... and that's success!
The only problem now is we have to eat it....
Ross, Out.