Havnt posted for a while again! Heres a quick update from all modules for this semester. Some has been done over the course of two semester but this will be the first look at most of my work for this blog.
Hopefully it will be interesting for you as it is for me!
Firstly, in terms of advances in my 3D moddeling skills, I have created the first inanimate object I could see at the time of creation. Although not perfect this is my attempt at creating a bottle that I was using on the day.
I am quite happy with my creation, the bottom is not perfect but for a first attempt I think it is pretty good.

The 3D modeling module that I am undergoing includes writing a tutorial for creating a 3D model. When deciding what to create for the tutorial I scoured the internet and have landed on creating a pokemon. The only issue being that I need a pokemon to reference. In the post now is a Psyduck for me to picture and use to hopefully create a 3D model of...
Well thats one module.
Another is the creation of our own coded game using action script. I am not the best at coding and therefore am struggling to progress through this module. So far my game that i created in tutorial sessions is looking good however I am not particularly happy with the ammount that I am asking for help in creating this style game and therefore am considering using a different style. Inevitably I will end up using this game. Any feed back would be good and I will try and find a way to share the game so you too can play.
The project is moving on and so I will push forward to meet the deadlines.
Design Methods, the module with Phil Jackson, we are now creating characters for our own story scripts. This will be made using a proffessional storyboarding method which we will be learning about in future weeks. I am quite looking forward to this module, I cant draw as such, but if I need ideas, eventually something sparks and I can create a good story of sorts. I say of sorts...
My storyboard has gone from one idea to the next and I am still to settle on one of the ideas...
I have created various images for each (just to draw inspiration from the idea and create the characters personalities)
I am quite happy with how the module is going and will be updating as I progress.
Otherwise that is all for now as far as I am aware! There is probably more I have missed but being so busy I had better get back to doing some work!
Ross, Out.