Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Monetising games

So I now have an account on Platogo, a website that installs banners around your game and with a bit of coding links into the score systems and so forth.
Instantly this platform updates onto the main Platogo website however it gives the option to add it onto facebook.
This is what I have done, after a few hours of working the system out I have got this link

(hopefully it will work for you)

You may need to log in and accept permissions but I have (at leats I hope) got it working.

Please feel free to play, beat high scores pass it to your friends and challenge them in a high score battle!

Today, as you can probably tell, was our first monetising games lecture. With this website just being one way to monetise games, I may have some work to do to expand around the internet. I get a feeling my year one project is not good enough to win any awards, or even sponsorship or licensing but uploading my game on facebook is a start.

Monetising games essay, Bring it on!

Ross, Out.