Wednesday 2 February 2011

My Return

Well Hello!
Its been a along time since I put my mind into action instead of my thumbs! After a Summer Holiday in winter (a good month and a bit!) I am back at University for the second semester in the first year.
Having been here a day already I have decided that this blog needs updating and getting back on track. After a day of work I have something to post already. Although it is not my first venture into 3D art (or what I call art) I am quite happy with the result of some basic skills tutoring in the first 3D session...

This task was a relatively fun one, Im not amazingly skilled at 3D (as is obvious) but the creation of a snowman was relatively simple. (Yes the snowman has been working out, thats not a mistake!)

So hitting the ground running is a good start, with any luck the rest of this semester will be similar. Should be a good one.
Consider this blog re-activated and expect more posts soon

Ross, Out.

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